It's the little things in life. And discovering them too.
One thing being on tour has in common with the "normal" 9-5 life is the struggle to create space to simply be quiet with God, to focus on the prayer you're thinking/saying. My introverted side likes to think prayers while I'm walking from point A to B, or at least likes the idea: inevitably, I begin one of those sessions and someone will come up and start distracting me, or my attention will wander off all by itself. I've tripped over a solution, quite spontaneously and unwittingly...
Other people have an absurd respect for a certain device; hold it up head height and it keeps people at bay almost as effectively as [good] bug spray does with bugs. If I'm just walking and trying to focus on God, people don't hesitate to come "interrupt" partly because they don't know they're interrupting. But if I "call" God on my cell, just holding it up to my ear while I pray out loud, I stay focused better and people usually go, "oh she's on the phone, alright I'll catch her later."
It's not something I'm hiding -- it's not a shame thing, praying, spending time with God. I don't mind telling people, they already know I'm slightly...uh, unique. But since I don't always have the luxury of getting away by myself to recharge like Jesus did...this is an interesting, if impromptu, solution.
Notes from the road...
Random place I found God: there's a lovely guy in the cast who's re-inspired me to find joy in serving other people, noticing and empathizing with them in a very Jesus way. He's very spiritual but not very "Jesusy"...not so into Christianity.
Things on my heart: I've jumped successfully through a few of the IJM internship hoops, including a phone interview and post-interview follow ups. Right now they're going over everything and selecting their candidates; those selected will then be interviewed by their respective field office. I really want this and I really hope that lines up with what God wants. I'd also like prayers for finding more time/space. Tour is crazy enough and I love a lot of things about it, but we've been inundated with problems, including things taking longer than they should (like not getting a break between load in and the show, for instance), although I'm grateful for the opportunity to try and be Jesus in the midst of conflict.
The game: Most of you know I love to play "where is God in this, how does this connect back to God?". When you watch this amazing clip from La Veillee Des Abysses, can you find God in it (i.e., allegorically, does it remind you of something, etc.)? I have a few ideas but I'll wait to share until you guys have had a chance to comment -- I'd love to hear what you see.
My take on the video: We are our own worst enemy and often it takes others to help us stop chasing our tails and start seeking the kingdom.
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of Romans 7. "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." I think we've all experienced that the help of other Jesus-followers is usually needed in order to break out of a destructive cycle of sin. (And of course while that help may sometimes take a very gentle form, other times what is called for is a kick in the pants).